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Author and tarot reader Joy Nicole over a starry night and mystical cloud background.

A$tro Soul

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 You can use magic to create what you want

You don’t have to wait on the sidelines of life watching everyone get what they want. You can get what you want too. You can create the life you want. You are not bound to any contract that says that the way you are living life is the way it always have to be. There are no rules to this life thing. Actually you create the rules. I believe that it all starts from loving yourself unconditionally. Divination and other spiritual tools can be used to examine your life and help to change the things in your life that you would like to change.


About me

I’m an Aries Sun, Gemini moon, Scorpio rising, bad bitch, and tarot reader. Oh and don’t forget author! I feel like it’s never too late to reinvent yourself so whether you are looking for your next guided journal or need some guidance on that person you’ve been talking to - I’m your girl! I feel like I’ve lived 200 hundred lifetimes and I’m only in my twenties. Through my spiritual work I’ve learned to love myself, ALL of me. Let me show you the way…

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