The Misery Olympics : Please stop playing this game


The misery olympics, we have all played this incredibly stupid game. Oh what is it? It’s when you try to one up a person in a conversation or usually argument on who is more miserable. Ya know,,,”I’ve had it way worse than you”. Although when talking about privilege, which is an entirely different topic, it is hard to get into the whole “who had it worse”.

In friendships or relationships you should NOT do this. This shit is hella toxic and there are NO WINNERS. Say you did have it worse than the other person, is that what you want to fight over? Is that how you want to get your point across? We have all been through some traumatic shit, especially during this whole pandemic shit, please rethink participating in the misery olympics.

Next time you feel someone baiting you into that miserable ass game just stop. Change the subject. Better yet put up some boundaries. We all deserve some love and kindness right now so spread that instead of misery because plot twist: we’re all a little bit miserable.

Comment below something positive and not so miserable things plz. I love u. Thanx!!

Joy Nicole2 Comments