Dear White/Non-Black Friends...
I see ya’ll. I see that you’re now comfortably expressing your frustration with how America (lowkey how the WORLD treats Black people). But why now? I feel like I was radicalized at a young age. I mean I read the autobiography of Malcolm X at the age of 12. Most Black people I know have always been aware of racism towards Black people. Not even racism but anti-Blackness. I knew that I was different from my peers at a very young age.
But now you’re speaking up because you see your white peers have approved of you speaking up. I know this is true because when I was mourning Trayvon, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and countless others I NEVER heard from you. You never asked me how I was doing you never asked if I was ok. You probably don’t know I personally feared fo my father’s life one time when we were on a road trip to California and a Utah cop pulled him over and had him spread his hands and feet on the hood of their car. They asked him questions for over 45 minutes antagonizing just because they could. You never asked because you never wanted to know the truth. You never wanted to know how close to home it was. But now you’re comfortable because all of your white friends said it was time to be an ally.
We all make mistakes. You are human and so am I. So if you truly want to donate, DO IT! if you want to go out there and protest then DO IT! I am glad that all of this radicalizing you but I want you to hold on and remember that you were once complacent in White Supremacy. And some of you still are.
I just had to get this off my chest. I love you and I know you love me too. Now show it.