Shut That Bitch Up: How to Silence Your Inner Rude Bitch


The way we talk to ourselves sometimes is absolutely horrendous. We say things to ourselves that we would never say to our friends. And not only is talking bad about ourselves harmful and detrimental to our mental health. It affects everyone around us. People who have extremely high self-esteem and self-worth don’t go around talking shit about other people. They are too damn happy to judge how someone else dresses or lives their lives. Saying mean stuff in your head about somebody’s weight or bad make up doesn’t make your waistline smaller or you a world renowned makeup artist.

When you judge other people it’s a reflection of your mind and spirit than theirs. Especially random strangers that you don’t know. They have done nothing to you but you’ve decided that they’re worthy of your ridicule and mean commentary. You know it’s not right but you do it anyways. Even if you never tell another soul about what you thought, that thought creates a momentum of more judgmental thoughts. Towards yourself and other people.

“But we all do it!” Yeah a lot of us may say/think some mean shit about somebody but does it ever truly make you feel better? It doesn’t for me. It does let me know that there is something about myself that I see in that person and I’m taking all of the hatred/disappointment that I have for myself and projecting that shit onto that person. That’s not fair to anybody in that situation.

So the only way to silence that rude bitch living in your is to show yourself some love. You gotta build a solid healthy relationship with yourself so you can stop being friends with that rude bitch in your head. This is a lifetime journey but so worth it. Your relationship with yourself is so important. For me to stop the rude bitch from giving her unsolicited opinions, I just literally stop myself in the middle of a judgmental thought. No matter if it’s a mean thought about me or another person. I find my inner rude bitch likes to compare me to other women. When that happens I immediately stop the thought and say to myself, “She’s beautiful and I’m beautiful too.” Sometimes I have to say that shit out loud so that I can hear it and really resonate with it. It really helps me t refocus my attention and keep it pushing. Try it next time your inner rude bitch wants to make an appearance.

Another way to shut that bitch up is to create a narrative about yourself that the inner rude bitch’s opinions can’t penetrate. You can do this with affirmations. Get some post-it notes and write some really cute shit about yourself and post them everywhere even your car. Say them out loud as often as you can. Also, I highly recommend you buy my guided journal “21 Days of Love Letters to Yourself”. It will send you into a kick start of self-love. Your inner rude bitch isn’t going to leave over night. It took her some time to build her home in your mind. But the first step is being aware that she’s even there.